Saturday, 6 August 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
An inspiring Muslim poem about peer-pressure
An out of control stranger is living my life!
This rampaging monster is causing havoc and strife.
It is driven by passive whims and desires
and from these relentless pursuits it never retires.
It's like an addiction, compelling and strong,
bulldozing and destroying as it lumbers along.s
Its actions and existence are riddled with flaws.
I can no longer fight; I've abandoned the cause.
I was once in control and acted with sense
but the lifestyle is overpowering and so immense.
I've seen myself departing from all that's correct
and no more goodness or kindness do I detect.
My senses are sedated and my energy depleted.
My resistance against this evil is all but defeated.
Reasoning and logic no longer have a say;
my morals and goodness have gone into decay.
Where did I go wrong, what happened to my life?
Why is everything balanced on the edge of a knife?
My life flashes before me and swirls in my mind.
A jumble of chaos and sadness, which can't be defined.
Reflecting on my past life, I begin to weep:
- to the corruption around me, I had been asleep
The tears of regret become cries of despair,
I had everything to live for; it's just not fair.
I had the love of my parents, a life of bliss
so much love and warmth, which I really miss.
I was young and reckless but intelligent and bright.
Suddenly I'm worthless garbage, that can't be right!
It was peer pressure from my so-called friends.
It is a part of growing up. or so it pretends.
I did silly things because I wanted to fit in.
I was soon off the rails, in a chaotic spin.
I wanted people to respect me, to think I was cool.
These were my first steps; I had been a fool.
My clothes, walk and thoughts became altered
and from the right path, very soon I faltered.
I acted like a gangster, so cool and tough.
Rebelling and strutting around, I'd huff and puff
I started bending the rules to get my kicks
- a bit of fooling around then this habit sticks
This was the door that shouldn't have been unlocked
and through this door, my whole life was rocked.
These were my first steps that guided me to ruin.
It buried me in despair and drowned me in sin.
All avenues were closed, all my bridges I saw burn
All friends I pushed away, so to whom do I turn?
I don't have my parent's love to lead me by the hand
and on my own two feet I am unable to stand.
I have so much remorse; my life was hijacked
because common sense and understanding I had lacked
Everyone warned me and told me to take heed,
hasten back to the right path at my fastest speed.
I should have listened to the advise of my friends.
I should have grasped those chances and made amends.
I thought they were wrong and did not understand.
I thought I knew better, I had the upper hand.
I wasn't the first fool and I won't be the last
After the first step, I was dragged in fast.
It offers illusions of enjoyment and pleasure,
It acted as my friend and took my greatest treasure.
A shimmer of hope gleamed from deep within.
It empowered my soul and crumbled the sin
With every shred of energy I hauled myself out
All credit is to God, without any doubt.
So stick to the right path that was ordained from above
A path of kindness and piety, of happiness and love
Only this can lead to both peace and success
And saved everyone from heartache and distress.
Zahid bin Ghulam Rasool
An out of control stranger is living my life!
This rampaging monster is causing havoc and strife.
It is driven by passive whims and desires
and from these relentless pursuits it never retires.
It's like an addiction, compelling and strong,
bulldozing and destroying as it lumbers along.s
Its actions and existence are riddled with flaws.
I can no longer fight; I've abandoned the cause.
I was once in control and acted with sense
but the lifestyle is overpowering and so immense.
I've seen myself departing from all that's correct
and no more goodness or kindness do I detect.
My senses are sedated and my energy depleted.
My resistance against this evil is all but defeated.
Reasoning and logic no longer have a say;
my morals and goodness have gone into decay.
Where did I go wrong, what happened to my life?
Why is everything balanced on the edge of a knife?
My life flashes before me and swirls in my mind.
A jumble of chaos and sadness, which can't be defined.
Reflecting on my past life, I begin to weep:
- to the corruption around me, I had been asleep
The tears of regret become cries of despair,
I had everything to live for; it's just not fair.
I had the love of my parents, a life of bliss
so much love and warmth, which I really miss.
I was young and reckless but intelligent and bright.
Suddenly I'm worthless garbage, that can't be right!
It was peer pressure from my so-called friends.
It is a part of growing up. or so it pretends.
I did silly things because I wanted to fit in.
I was soon off the rails, in a chaotic spin.
I wanted people to respect me, to think I was cool.
These were my first steps; I had been a fool.
My clothes, walk and thoughts became altered
and from the right path, very soon I faltered.
I acted like a gangster, so cool and tough.
Rebelling and strutting around, I'd huff and puff
I started bending the rules to get my kicks
- a bit of fooling around then this habit sticks
This was the door that shouldn't have been unlocked
and through this door, my whole life was rocked.
These were my first steps that guided me to ruin.
It buried me in despair and drowned me in sin.
All avenues were closed, all my bridges I saw burn
All friends I pushed away, so to whom do I turn?
I don't have my parent's love to lead me by the hand
and on my own two feet I am unable to stand.
I have so much remorse; my life was hijacked
because common sense and understanding I had lacked
Everyone warned me and told me to take heed,
hasten back to the right path at my fastest speed.
I should have listened to the advise of my friends.
I should have grasped those chances and made amends.
I thought they were wrong and did not understand.
I thought I knew better, I had the upper hand.
I wasn't the first fool and I won't be the last
After the first step, I was dragged in fast.
It offers illusions of enjoyment and pleasure,
It acted as my friend and took my greatest treasure.
A shimmer of hope gleamed from deep within.
It empowered my soul and crumbled the sin
With every shred of energy I hauled myself out
All credit is to God, without any doubt.
So stick to the right path that was ordained from above
A path of kindness and piety, of happiness and love
Only this can lead to both peace and success
And saved everyone from heartache and distress.
Zahid bin Ghulam Rasool
Taking action and new features!
We are taking action to get kids to not give in to peer-pressure. We will give advice to anybody who is experiencing and/or wondering about peer-pressure. The users could also give each other advice and look for advice from other users. Soon games and other fun stuff will be on the blog!
Send an e-mail to for more information.
Forward this to everybody you know please.
We are taking action to get kids to not give in to peer-pressure. We will give advice to anybody who is experiencing and/or wondering about peer-pressure. The users could also give each other advice and look for advice from other users. Soon games and other fun stuff will be on the blog!
Send an e-mail to for more information.
Forward this to everybody you know please.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Sunday, 5 June 2011
The exhibition is just around the corner, we are preparing and practicing. Make sure you tell your friends about this blog 'cause next week after the exhibition its just advice about peer-pressure every week !
During the exhibition I realized that peer-pressure is everywhere.
Are you in a situation of peer-pressure?If you are leave a comments below and hopefully we can get back to you! Thank you.
During the exhibition I realized that peer-pressure is everywhere.
Are you in a situation of peer-pressure?If you are leave a comments below and hopefully we can get back to you! Thank you.
Monday, 30 May 2011
Presentation Process
UPDATE: I will update the blog every weekend not exactly on Friday!
Now that we are on the presentation process. We are going to show you what are we working on:
We finished working on: finding a song, making an introduction and making logo which you can see at the top of the page with the slogan.
We are working on: an animation, interactive game and a power point.
We are going to work on: making a poster.
Leave some suggestions down below on what you think we should do for are presentation!
Now that we are on the presentation process. We are going to show you what are we working on:
We finished working on: finding a song, making an introduction and making logo which you can see at the top of the page with the slogan.
We are working on: an animation, interactive game and a power point.
We are going to work on: making a poster.
Leave some suggestions down below on what you think we should do for are presentation!
Sunday, 22 May 2011
We have finished our research and also added a new line of inquiry(What were looking into) and a new student question which that we also finished!
The new line of inquiry is:
Causation: The effects of peer-pressure
The student question: What are the effects of peer-pressure?
We wrote down some effects:
Drugs: A plant or chemical which is bad and may kill you or make you very sick and not could be used as medicine
Less friends /Loneliness
Get hurt
Change the person by: The way they look, The way they act , the way they do stuff, Different clothes, Different music different hair CHANGES THE WHOLE PERSON
Can get in trouble
Lack of self -confident: do not know how to do stuff on your own and always down in your self and don’t believe in your self
Lack of self-esteem: Doesn't feel good about him/her self
poor choices: does not make good decision
Lower grades: not do well at school
And in perspective we have some quotes and thoughts from around the Internet:
No child is immune to peer pressure. ~ Kathi Hudson
The people in the popular group say there is no peer pressure because they are at the top of the food chain. Really what they are doing is just eating away at everybody else. ~ Lauren Greenfield
Talk to your children about peer pressure. Explain what a powerful force it can be, and ... tell them that you will never accept the excuse that "Everyone did it" ... that they will be held responsible for their actions. ~ Tom McMahon
The main consequence of saying no to negative peer pressure is not just withstanding "the heat of the moment," as most adults think. Rather, it is coping with a sense of exclusion as others engage in the behavior and leave the adolescent increasingly alone. It is the loss of the shared experience. Further, the sense of exclusion remains whenever the group later recounts what happened. This feeling of loneliness then becomes pervasive but carries an easy solution - go along with the crowd. ~ Michael Riera
Kids ... can get to the point where they feel peer pressure that isn't even there simply because of how they see themselves. ~ Walt Mueller
Peer pressure is not a monolithic force that presses adolescents into the same mold. . . . Adolescents generally choose friend whose values, attitudes, tastes, and families are similar to their own. In short, good kids rarely go bad because of their friends. ~ Laurence Steinberg
Most literature on the culture of adolescence focuses on peer pressure as a negative force. Warnings about the "wrong crowd" read like tornado alerts in parent manuals. . . . It is a relative term that means different things in different places. In Fort Wayne, for example, the wrong crowd meant hanging out with liberal Democrats. In Connecticut, it meant kids who weren’t planning to get a Ph.D. from Yale. ~ Mary Kay Blakely
The ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its greatest intensity at just the age when kids tend to be most insensitive and cruel. ~ Walt Mueller
Peer pressure is a part of almost all children's lives.-Child line
And we also answered some questions like why do people pressure others?
Answer: To bring peoples attention to be power full and strong and to be popular.-ChilLIne
We also wrote down some examples of peer-pressure in primary:
pressuring to stealing from teachers desk “YouTube video”
“ “ “Hitting someone
“ “ “Doing stunts- Jumping of stuff
“ “ “Do something mean- Mr.Jim-pushing them in the mud.
“ “ “Give something they own “TeacherTube”-Give them a toy
“ “ “ Cut subjects or Cut school “KidsHealth”
“ “ “ die hair ,Peirce ears like others Friends music ,same clothes “”
Make sure you tell your friends leave a comment and make sure you comeback next Friday or the weekend.Oh and WISH US LUCK! ;)
The new line of inquiry is:
Causation: The effects of peer-pressure
The student question: What are the effects of peer-pressure?
We wrote down some effects:
Drugs: A plant or chemical which is bad and may kill you or make you very sick and not could be used as medicine
Less friends /Loneliness
Get hurt
Change the person by: The way they look, The way they act , the way they do stuff, Different clothes, Different music different hair CHANGES THE WHOLE PERSON
Can get in trouble
Lack of self -confident: do not know how to do stuff on your own and always down in your self and don’t believe in your self
Lack of self-esteem: Doesn't feel good about him/her self
poor choices: does not make good decision
Lower grades: not do well at school
And in perspective we have some quotes and thoughts from around the Internet:
No child is immune to peer pressure. ~ Kathi Hudson
The people in the popular group say there is no peer pressure because they are at the top of the food chain. Really what they are doing is just eating away at everybody else. ~ Lauren Greenfield
Talk to your children about peer pressure. Explain what a powerful force it can be, and ... tell them that you will never accept the excuse that "Everyone did it" ... that they will be held responsible for their actions. ~ Tom McMahon
The main consequence of saying no to negative peer pressure is not just withstanding "the heat of the moment," as most adults think. Rather, it is coping with a sense of exclusion as others engage in the behavior and leave the adolescent increasingly alone. It is the loss of the shared experience. Further, the sense of exclusion remains whenever the group later recounts what happened. This feeling of loneliness then becomes pervasive but carries an easy solution - go along with the crowd. ~ Michael Riera
Kids ... can get to the point where they feel peer pressure that isn't even there simply because of how they see themselves. ~ Walt Mueller
Peer pressure is not a monolithic force that presses adolescents into the same mold. . . . Adolescents generally choose friend whose values, attitudes, tastes, and families are similar to their own. In short, good kids rarely go bad because of their friends. ~ Laurence Steinberg
Most literature on the culture of adolescence focuses on peer pressure as a negative force. Warnings about the "wrong crowd" read like tornado alerts in parent manuals. . . . It is a relative term that means different things in different places. In Fort Wayne, for example, the wrong crowd meant hanging out with liberal Democrats. In Connecticut, it meant kids who weren’t planning to get a Ph.D. from Yale. ~ Mary Kay Blakely
The ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its greatest intensity at just the age when kids tend to be most insensitive and cruel. ~ Walt Mueller
Peer pressure is a part of almost all children's lives.-Child line
And we also answered some questions like why do people pressure others?
Answer: To bring peoples attention to be power full and strong and to be popular.-ChilLIne
We also wrote down some examples of peer-pressure in primary:
pressuring to stealing from teachers desk “YouTube video”
“ “ “Hitting someone
“ “ “Doing stunts- Jumping of stuff
“ “ “Do something mean- Mr.Jim-pushing them in the mud.
“ “ “Give something they own “TeacherTube”-Give them a toy
“ “ “ Cut subjects or Cut school “KidsHealth”
“ “ “ die hair ,Peirce ears like others Friends music ,same clothes “”
Make sure you tell your friends leave a comment and make sure you comeback next Friday or the weekend.Oh and WISH US LUCK! ;)
Friday, 13 May 2011
Our Research
We finished our research into form and function now were looking into perspectives and responsibility, here is what we learned.
Form: Peer-pressure is when a person pressures an other person into doing something and the person is tied between to decisions. There are two types of peer-pressure the positive and negative, positive peer-pressure helps the person to make the right decision and help be with friends with positive values, negative peer-pressure makes it hard for a person to make the right decision even if he knows whats right and it effects all ages. We are looking into negative peer-pressure.
Function: The peer-pressure process goes something like this, here is a funny and educational video about peer-pressure.Hope you enjoy!
Form: Peer-pressure is when a person pressures an other person into doing something and the person is tied between to decisions. There are two types of peer-pressure the positive and negative, positive peer-pressure helps the person to make the right decision and help be with friends with positive values, negative peer-pressure makes it hard for a person to make the right decision even if he knows whats right and it effects all ages. We are looking into negative peer-pressure.
Function: The peer-pressure process goes something like this, here is a funny and educational video about peer-pressure.Hope you enjoy!
Perspective: Not much information
Responsibility: Most people we asked during our interview say that they should educate the kids so when they face peer-pressure they will know how to react.
Make sure you tell your friends and leave suggestions on how to research in the comments below
Friday, 6 May 2011
We are students in a school. We are starting this blog because of our exhibition. The PYP Exhibition is a project that we do at the end of the year. This process celebrates who we are and what we've learned. Our exhibition is a 6 week process and we have to research about a real-life issue. We are looking into Peer-Pressure because it interests us and the research could help you and us learn and deal with peer pressure. We are going to keep you updated on some facts or tips during our research. You can also help us by giving us suggestions about peer pressure. Below are some more details about our exhibition.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How we express our selves
Central Idea (Main Idea): Peer-Pressure effects the choices people make.
Lines of Inquiry (What are we looking in to):
Function (How does it work): The way Peer-Pressure works.
Perspective(Peoples points of view): The different perspectives of people in a situation of Peer-Pressure.
Responsibility: The various ways people take action in a situation of Peer-Pressure
Student Questions (Questions that we will look into):
How does Peer-Pressure work? (Function)
What are the different perspectives of people in a situation of Peer-Pressure? (Perspective)
What are the various ways people take action in a Peer-Pressure situation? (Responsibility)
Check our blog every Friday for updates.
If you want to help us research into peer pressure, leave a comment below!
Students from a PYP school.
Transdisciplinary Theme: How we express our selves
Central Idea (Main Idea): Peer-Pressure effects the choices people make.
Lines of Inquiry (What are we looking in to):
Function (How does it work): The way Peer-Pressure works.
Perspective(Peoples points of view): The different perspectives of people in a situation of Peer-Pressure.
Responsibility: The various ways people take action in a situation of Peer-Pressure
Student Questions (Questions that we will look into):
How does Peer-Pressure work? (Function)
What are the different perspectives of people in a situation of Peer-Pressure? (Perspective)
What are the various ways people take action in a Peer-Pressure situation? (Responsibility)
Check our blog every Friday for updates.
If you want to help us research into peer pressure, leave a comment below!
Students from a PYP school.

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